Friday, January 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

I listed my two Valentine's Day items this week. I think that will be it for this year, especially since I haven't found a balance between cross-stitch and jewelry making yet and have been only cross-stitching the past week. You would think I'd be super excited to dive right into all of my new supplies! I have a little bit. I tend to get fixated on one or two hobbies at a time, though. I'm certainly not done with jewelry making to say the least haha.


  1. very nice Valentines bracelets...You will find that balance hang in there.

  2. Thank you much! I'm sure that I will.

  3. Oooh pretty bracelets! Those look like they took some real time. Nice blog!

  4. Thank you so much HelenesDreams and The Frustrated Writer! You both have beautiful jewelry in your shops!

  5. Those are very pretty. Nice work there : )


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