Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December EBW Challenge, reworking

Voting for the December EBW Challenge Peace and Winter Olympics is up and running! Thank you to Christina (GoodQuillHunting), our new moderator, for getting everything together quite smoothly. You can vote on the blog by clicking here from today through the 15th. My Peace Piece that I posted about here is number 5. :)

I took my red striped piece apart today after I broke my third bead in it. The embellishment just wasn't working. It was coming out too tight. I lost at least 6 hours of work there. *sigh* I'm going to make a red striped triangle and then figure out what I want to do with the cuff. I think the red stripes as pictured before would stand on their own, but I would like to do something to embellish it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

That was definitely a downer today, but I'm trying not to let it get to me too much. I've still made progress on my blue square stitch cuff and gotten a ton of things done around the house...and it's not even 4PM yet here! There's still lots of time to get things accomplished.

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