I was accepted into the Etsybeadweavers' Street Team (EBW) today! I have been admiring their work ever since I found out about Etsy back in July, and am very excited to be a member now. You can check out the EBW on blogspot: http://www.etsy-beadweavers.blogspot.com/ (my name is not under the members list there yet...hopefully it will be soon) and on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/etsybeadweavers/ . You can also find EBW pieces on Etsy by searching for "ebw" or "ebw team" under the handmade items section.
I already posted about my Christmas charm bracelet. Here are pictures of the other Christmas bracelets that I have made thus far:
This one does not have to be worn at Christmas time, but I think the colors are fitting for the holiday: