Monday, November 18, 2013

photo share: first 13/14 snow

So we got our first 2013-14 snow this past week. That seems way too early. It's really not for this part of the country, but it was still something of a shock. The good news is that it usually doesn't stick around too long in November, and it made for some good photo opportunities.

Has it snowed in your area yet this season?


  1. We got our first dusting of snow last week and apparently we're going to get more of it mid-week! I don't much care for snow, but I like seeing it in photos, especially combined with the red berries :)

  2. Dear Rose, It is pretty and "Tis the Season"!!
    Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  3. Oh snow makes for lovely photographs doesn't it? It's very random at this time of the year though in the UK! Because I live close to the sea it doesn't usually stick too well here either. Enjoy it, hopefully there'll be enough for you to make a snowman soon!

  4. Awesome photos, I especially love the berries picture. Snow makes everything so magical, I wish I lived where there was snow every year!

  5. The pumpkin pics are unique with snow on top.

  6. Love that first photo and the one with the writing on the pumpkin - very artistic. :) You're a great photographer. :)

  7. Wow - that's pretty much the most snow we ever see in SC! Well, that' snot quite true, but almost. I really love the leaf photos - they're beautiful!

  8. We had our first snow October 24- somewhere between 6 to 9 inches! WAY early and way too much. last week's snow was maybe 3 inches

  9. It's actually snowed twice down here. BOO. I wasn't ready for it either time because the weather has been so much warmer than usual.

  10. gosh, I hadn't realized it snowed in your parts already. Very pretty nature shots! {:-D

  11. I'm definitely not ready for the snow, but you sure do make it look pretty :)
    I love the second photo of the leaf with water droplets!

  12. Lovely snow pics! It looks like you got the same amount of snow we did, and that it lasted about the same length of time.


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