Monday, November 11, 2013

photo share: Milwaukee at night

Night photography is still largely unexplored territory for me, but I enjoy venturing into it when I have the chance. Of course I love Milwaukee at night and photograph it as often as possible.

Share your tips and tricks for night photography!


  1. My tip for night time photography: don't do it if you name is Paige. :-) Literally none of my dark photos have ever turned out correctly, haha.

  2. Dear Rose, I don't know very much about photography. I miss the old camera's. The new camera's do so much, just too much for me.
    Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  3. Very fun! No tips here, for you - lol - I haven't mastered nighttime photography at all!

  4. These look great.I love the handmade dresses :)
    Sunset photos are my favorite "night time" photos.

  5. Love those dresses -- especially the plate dress! How unique! And, of course, John Lennon.
    Great shots!

  6. I agree with Sarah - that plate dress is amazing! What a creative idea :)
    Love your night shots, especially the church? with the soft bokeh. No point to take night shots out here in the country, as there are no lights. haha.

  7. These turned out spectacularly! I like the first photo and the "plate dress" photo best. And that "dress" is amazing.

  8. Liking the Harley dress...LOL ...Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday.



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