Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday is Caturday

Are you ready to start your weekend with an amazing round up of kitty pictures?

Best brother buddies.

Seriously, I've never met kitties who are as close as these two boys.

Just a day in my life. I try very hard not to compare being a pet owner to being a parent. However, Ares needs to be picked up. A lot. Consequently I end up carrying him around while I open the mail, make dinner, etc., and it does make me feel like a mom.

Just when you think you've seen it all.

Sleepy boys.


The back yard birdie channel (from an open window!).

Laundry helper.

Another head on the floor while sleeping shot. Kills me every time.

Once upon a time, I "made" Angel a kitty bed out of an old box top and some folded fleece. For months and months, she slept in it pretty regularly. And then one day she didn't have any interest in it. You know how these things go with cats. When we first adopted the boys, I brought it up to our bedroom to see if they would sleep in it. Nope. Lately Angel has been hanging out in colder areas of the basement so I moved it back down to see if she would climb in and stay a little warmer. Almost.

Those tails. No words.

Just like a fort.

Hanging out on the back of my computer chair.

Early morning kitties on my pillow. Nothing unusual.

Last year one of our next door neighbors spent several months capturing a mama cat and one of her babies. (We only ever saw the one baby.) She got the mama adopted and kept the little guy. Sometime I'll have to get a better picture of him from outside (instead of through the window). He looks just like our orange guys. They like to watch each other.

Lounging on the back of my computer chair.

There is nothing quite like sleeping under a wet towel.

What have your cats been up to lately?


  1. So cute!! Love the napping kitties.

  2. Your kids are adorable Rose and I have no doubt you make an excellent mommy!

  3. Your cats are so fun and energetic. Like seeing the one peeking through the window.


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