Saturday, September 13, 2014

Saturday is Caturday

I know that it's been what feels like forever (actually two months) since I've shared my cell phone kitty pictures on the blog (truth: 99+% of my cell phone pictures are of my kitties). I'm still taking just as many pictures as ever and will be sharing my backlog over the next couple months.

100% Ares

Many of you know that Ares loves any and all things laundry baskets. Usually I use the plastic baskets. During the middle of a seven hour power outage this summer, I grabbed an old pop up basket to take a finished load out of the dryer without messing with the rest of the in progress laundry. It proved to be just as, if not more, entertaining.

What have your cats been up to lately?


  1. I don't have a cat, but my two dogs keep me preoccupied lately!

  2. I love the pictures where they're just chillin' and snuggling :)

  3. I always love Caturday! Your boys are so cute and sweet. I'm so glad you share them with us.

  4. Looks like you all had a relaxing Saturday. The boys are SO cute! Love the pics where they are snuggled on your laps.

  5. They are so flluffy and adorable! I bet they have fun playing with those pompoms on your bathroom rug :)

    1. Haha yes, for sure. There aren't too many pompoms left because the kitties keep pulling them off. :)

  6. OMG - they look just like my late Peter and his brother Paul. I love ginger tabbies and miss my two even though I have my current furballs Junior and Maggie. I had Paul for 15 1/2 years and Peter for 16 1/2 years. I wish you many more fun times with your critters


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