Tuesday, September 2, 2014

photo share: final concert of summer 2014

I've only given you a little taste here of the many concerts that I was able to attend this summer. It's been an amazing lineup. I'm sad that the summer concert run has come to an end (and generally sad that summer is wrapping up) but fortunate that I had so many opportunities to hear live music the past few months. I'm also stoked that Jake and I are 14-15 MSO Pops subscribers and have our first series concert in less than a month, which means that there will be more live music in the near future.

A couple weeks ago I finished up my summer 2014 concert run at The Jazz Estate with Hood Smoke, one of my brother's bands. I'm sharing a few of those pictures with you here today. Enjoy.

What have you been photographing lately?
Did anyone else attend some amazing concerts this summer?


  1. Looks like fun. Enjoy! Blessings, Catherine

  2. How great that you've gotten to get out and enjoy so much live music and watch your brother perform. I hear ya about summer ending...BUMMER!

  3. It's really cool you get to attend so many concerts!

  4. Great pictures and what fun! Too bad summer is almost over.


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