Remember how I'm in the midst of
graduation season? My littlest sister-in-law finished up her undergrad degree a few weeks ago, and Jake is completing his medical residency at the end of June. We attended his department's annual graduation dinner on Friday. Many people assume that this transition is nothing but exciting. In reality, it's extremely bittersweet and pretty surreal. Becoming a doctor is a long journey. We've been fortunate to have a great support network of family and friends in Milwaukee but many friends are moving on for fellowships and jobs and we're losing the built-in social structure that comes with residency. As such, I'm not really sure what this next stage of life is going to look like.
Anyway, with that being said, both sets of parents were able to attend the dinner, which was really nice. I do have some pictures of the event itself, but I'm sharing our family pictures here today.
Is it still graduation season for anyone else right now?