Thursday, March 7, 2013

2013 First Quarter Goal Check In

Yes, we are already into the third month of 2013! When did that happen? It still kind of seems like I was just finalizing my 2013 goals a couple weeks ago. Apparently not. Here's how things have been going the past few months.

1. Work out twice a week. Right now I'm on more of the once a week plan. It's a start, right? I've also been doing a lot of snow shoveling the past month, much of which has been more than twice a week and which I am counting as exercise. I have a harder time exercising during the cold months than any other time of year and hope that spring will lift my spirits a little with this effort.

2. Create a weekly cleaning schedule and stick with it. I did create a weekly cleaning schedule. Again, it's a start, right? Now that we have two more cats in our house, there are a lot of tasks that I have to do every week, and I am doing a good job managing that. I'm slowly figuring out how I can make everything else fit with my current schedule.

3. Double my December 2012 HubPages earnings. My February 2013 earnings were my highest monthly earnings on HubPages to date. It wasn't a huge increase from December's earnings, but the numbers keep increasing. Last year my slowest traffic period was mid-April through September with the exception of a short Fourth of July peak. I'm hoping to maintain earnings through Easter, build my article base through the slow season, and then really ramp up traffic and earnings for the 2013 holidays.

4. Maintain a minimum 2,000-3,000 words per day minimum on weekdays. To date, I am most proud of my success with this 2013 goal. I have met this goal all but a small handful of days thus far. Most of the days that I did not meet the goal, I either made up for it on a weekend day that Jake was on call or I doubled my writing the day before or after it.

5. Participate in 10 craft fairs. Currently I have 3 shows on my schedule for 2013, and I've applied to one more. A lot of holiday shows don't have information up yet, let alone applications, but that will start to change over the next couple of months.


6. Learn one new Photoshop Elements skill per week. I have been playing around with Elements a little bit, but I certainly haven't been learning one new skill per week. The good news is that I am taking just as many photos as ever, if not more so, have been experimenting with new Picasa edits, and have been taking on new photo projects. Ultimately the point of this goal is to keep challenging myself with photography, and I am. I'm not going to force the Photoshop skills, especially on a weekly basis, when it just isn't coming together but so many other photo projects are still happening.

7. Start to monetize my photography. I have created accounts with Zazzle and deviantART and have started to get my work up on both sites. I haven't seen sales yet, but I have done very little to promote either site thus far, as I've been focusing more on getting my products uploaded. I'm really torn about where I want to go next. Creating a larger, paid portfolio on a photo-specific site such as SmugMug seems like the next step. It would be significantly cheaper than selling on Etsy and would allow me to keep the freedom of not printing and shipping my own work. I've done a significant amount of research about selling photography on Etsy and feel like it could be a good fit for my work. I'm not quite ready to open that door, but it's something I'm considering for the future. For now, check out what I have up on Zazzle and deviant and let me know what you think about the SmugMug option.

8. Participate in 6 BBA challenges. I completed the February challenge and am doing my best to stay on top of the challenge themes so I can keep up with this goal.

9. Maintain focus on expanding my best selling items/lines. I have put almost all of my jewelry making energy these past few months into remaking best selling pieces and expanding my existing lines. I will continue to make new pieces throughout 2013, but I will keep focusing on this goal as well.

10. Maintain focus on ensuring consistency for my craft fair booth and my business in general. I have ordered a number of new materials for my shop and have a handful of other ideas for my business that I'll be slowly implementing throughout 2013. There are a few projects like getting new photos for my booth banner that will take a while to come together, and I don't want to rush them, especially for my spring shows. I'll keep working on projects like that throughout the year. I'm pleased with what I've gotten done so far and am excited about the changes that I've made for shipping Etsy packages as well as what I'll be able to present at my initial 2013 shows.

How are your 2013 goals going?


  1. You're really doing great with so many of these goals! I'm excited to see where your photography will go. Your zazzle site looks great and I love the phone covers! Your photographs would look great on so many of their items!

  2. You've accomplished so much already!
    The Zazzle store looks great! Wishing you much success at your upcoming craft shows this month and next!

  3. Yes, we were just talking about the workout thing - I'm at once a week and it is so HARD during the cold months - Cold and I don't get along.
    I'm doing a goals post on Monday - I've been needing to rethink some stuff. I have that account with Zazzle, and though I haven't updated it since early January, my sales have picked up some...who knew?
    And yes, I really want to get back into HubPages writing...I haven't been doing that as much and I miss it so. Awesome post!! :)

  4. I've only made a few cents on Zazzle, but I've done okay on Society6. Have you checked them out? I've seen S6 products in real life and they're really nice.

  5. Rose, you are always so organized--even with your goals! That's why you are so successful, well a part of it anyway! Happy to see that you are moving on and focused! Hope your Spring shows are wonderful!

  6. Wow sounds like you've got a full schedule and are doing really well with your goals, congrats!

    My husband is about to start writing on Hubpages, we've been a bit unsure about it since neither of us had really heard of anyone else writing for them. Have any tips or warnings? Or a post about it?

    Good luck on completing your goals, sounds like your doing great!


    1. Thanks, Courtney! I wrote this article about my first year on HubPages. It gives a pretty good overview of my general experience there.
      If you have any specific questions about anything with the site, please feel free to e-mail me at randomcreative28 at gmail dot com. I'm certainly not an expert, but I'm happy to help in any way that I can. :) Best of luck to your husband!

  7. Great job on your goals so far! You have a lot on your plate but you manage to do them all somehow! You're incredible Rose!

  8. I think your photography is coming along so nicely. A good idea to enter a photo-specific site. Good luck with it. I made a few mugs on Zazzle and gave them away as presents. You might think of having a few on your table at a show, for advertising and sale. Love your bracelets - they're real special! {:-D

  9. You certainly are a "got getter" and it sounds like you are on track! Congratulations on the February Hub Pages earnings!

    And by the way....shoveling snow is GOOD exercise!

  10. Great job on your goals so far! You sure sound busy, that's great! Congrats on your February HubPages earnings!! Yay!

  11. Congrats on this post, awesome! A great list of goals and challenges for 2013. As one who is planning on setting up their own blog/website I find your goals really interesting.Well done on all your work to date, keeping the finger on so many pulses is fair going but you are getting there! Great post Rose!

  12. I think you're making great progress!! I find creativity comes in spurts and surges -- -and you've had a photography surge since getting your new camera. Meeting those photography goals will help you as you meet your other business-related goals, I'm sure. I am in no position to criticize anyone who isn't quite able to keep to an exercise or cleaning schedule. I'm right there with you!
    Keep up the good work!

  13. I think you're doing really well! My exercise regimen has also included shoveling snow, and I count it toward my goal, too. Haha. I figure if it's there, we might as well take advantage, right?

    You reminded me that I need to do a recap post myself. Next week!

  14. You are so organized! So far I've only been able to "think" about being organized! Hopefully sometime in the future my mind will quit spinning enough that I can actually sort and prioritize things. Love reading your blog posts!!

  15. Wow, looks like you are making lots of progress in 2013! Way to go!!!

  16. Great goals, Rose! I especially like your iPhone 5 covers on Zazzle. And when did you post the new banner? It looks great!

  17. Wow those are some fantastic goals. I have been doing a few like that but you seem so on much more on task. Great post. I found your blog though I <3 my blog hop and 4 Love of Cupcakes


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