Thursday, March 14, 2013

kitten cell phone picture round up

Welcome to the most recent installment of kitten cell phone photos!

Just watching some TV.

We bought Skyfall on Blu-Ray recently. They love it.

Tucked in together.

A little belly rub.

We have a candle with a wood wick that sounds just like a campfire. Jake picked it up to listen to it, and Ares loved checking it out.

Channeling Buddha? I just have to think about this photo when I need something to pick up my mood a little.

Just a day in my life.

I really want to Photoshop this with a sign like "Lemonade here." Do you remember the Peanuts cartoon Psychiatric Help stand? I think that would be priceless.

Another day in my life shot.

In case this situation couldn't get any better, Ares brought his toy with him.

I think it looks like he's in a little boat.

Both kittens love to play with window shade pulls. Lately they've been obsessed with grabbing the pulls on the windows behind our bed.

Sometimes it's really hard to get work done when someone is trying to climb you.


  1. Oh they are all such cute pics -- I couldn't pick a favorite if I had to!

  2. So delightful...great way to start my computer day!

  3. How sweet! These pictures put a big smile on my face, just what I needed today! Love the last picture especially :)

  4. Oh these made me smile! I LOVE the Buddha shots. They really do have so much personality! Do you ever get them confused with the other? I think I would...Oh look, it's
    These shots are just so sweet.

  5. Bendy little critters! I agree it's hard to work while wearing pets. My 70 pound dogs battle each other to sit on my lap!

  6. My hubby loves it when Harry gets in his Budda pose! And the idea of the lemonade stand photo is great. I completely get the reference to Peanuts and it is perfect.

  7. Those kittens are getting so BIG! And yes, their whole purpose is to remind you that there is more to life than "getting things done."

  8. Love the Buddha pose! The lemonade stand idea is great! Your boys are so cute! All our blind pulls are strung on top of the window frame since they are favorite toys around here too!

  9. OHH.. how precious!! I just want to reach through the screen and cuddle and squeeze them.. cute little bundles of fur!!

  10. OMG, so cute Rose! I especially lol'd at the "Channeling Buddha." Too funny!

  11. they are adorable. My favorite is the buddha channeling! And Ares in the boat! {:-D

  12. Rose, they're so funny. The lemonade idea is great - you could make it into a card or cartoon! Where's Angel? Love the boat and Skyfall. It's weird what they watch on TV. Ours like the program guide to see what's on and Sammy likes M Squad and Buddy likes Have Gun Will Travel. Cracks us up.

    1. Angel hangs out in the basement most of the time these days. The little guys love to hang out down there with me while I'm writing and beading so they're all together fairly often. That is too funny about the TV shows/channels that your kitties love.

  13. These two are so cute! They crack me up with all their poses and sleeping positions!
    I love the Lemonade Stand idea :)

  14. Aww..they are so cute. they seem so playful. They definitely like the attention.

  15. These kitty shots are SO cute! I love best the pics where you or hubby are holding a cat.


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