Monday, October 7, 2013

photo share: kids in black and white

While editing a few batches of photos from the last couple months, I did a number of edits of kids in black and white. I don't take a lot of pictures of people, but I do enjoy it. I've gotten a great response to a lot of these photos already, which has been very gratifying. It turns out that people enjoy seeing photos of people that they do know even more than people they don't know (surprise, right?). Most of you don't know them, but I hope that you still enjoy the photos, too.

Do you enjoy taking pictures of people? How often do you do black and white edits?


  1. What little cutie pies! All of them!

    I take pictures of people I know, but I take shots of objects more. The only time I edit in black and white is when the colors turned out weird and I can't fix it in photoshop, haha.

  2. Such cuties! What a great collection! I really like the black and white shots, the kids look so expressive.
    Everyday Inspired

  3. I LOVE black & white photos, and even more so with cute kiddos. =0)

  4. Adorable. Children are so open with their expressions, so natural.

  5. These b & w's are amazing, Rose. If I wasn't so shy about walking up to people and taking their photos, I would TOTALLY explore this more. I wonder...hmm...I'm around zillions of kids every day...hmm...maybe I could think of SOMETHING, right? lol

  6. Man, great eyes! Did you specifically edit the eyes? I know a lot of folks do, I've just never tried it because I don't really take many people pictures.

  7. These are precious! You did a wonderful job! They are so expressive and you captured the moment beautifully.

  8. Those kids are adorable! Love their unique expressions!
    Same as Natasha I rarely take pics of people ;-)

  9. Wonderful photos! I especially like the 6th one!

  10. wow! they are wonderful images! You need to take more pics of small people you know, so their parents can see them. Very nice! {:-D

  11. Awww, what cuties! And the black and white edit gives them all a timeless feel...just as parents want to remember them!


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