A fellow members posted this awesome tutorial on the Facebook Etsy Sellers group yesterday. Thanks to that tutorial, I now have my own Facebook Page for my Etsy shop! You can check it out by CLICKING HERE . If any of you have facebook, I encourage you to make your own page. Please let me know if you do! The link for my page is also on my sidebar under a new section for my non-Etsy links like my flickr photostream.
One of the group admins from the Flickr group Alternative Material Jewelry invited me to include two of my button bracelets in the group pool. This is the first time I've been invited to add photos to a Flickr group so I was pretty excited about that. I'll be adding more pictures of button bracelets there in the future.
My new listing for today is an idea that I've been tossing around for quite a while. I had an all black cat for 14 years growing up that I named Sky because she reminded me of the Night Sky. I have always had a soft spot for all things having to do with the night sky since then. I made a simple strung beads bracelet similar to this listing back in college. I like the current listing so much that I made one for myself, too. I hope you enjoy it. :)