Tuesday, August 20, 2013

photo outtakes

I'm sharing another round of photo outtakes today. I'm going to try to make this a more regular feature for the foreseeable future. I think that it's really important to discuss the fact that I take a ton of photos to get a few gems. Also, while I keep improving my skills, I still make a lot of mistakes. Here are just a few examples of my recent outtakes.

Hello, overexposure. Right now I don't have the filter to shoot this type of scene with a long exposure.

Recently I've been experimenting a lot with different angles. Sometimes it works out well, but sometimes the effects are dizzying.

This front door/door frame had some sort of awesome red/turquoise color combination. But I didn't realize that I was shooting black and white. Now that I'm shooting in RAW, I don't have any reason to shoot in black and white so hopefully this sort of thing won't happen very often anymore.

Manual focus fail. This shot is a big blurry mess. The color version isn't much better.

I can't think of much that does work in this shot. I didn't take a color version, but the composition is still severely lacking so I don't think it would have made much of a difference.

Sometimes you can't get close enough to get the great shot. I didn't want to scare this little guy away.

This shot is a great example of why it can be worth taking multiple shots. I took six more shots of this same tree and did get a great one.

Food photography fail. Aside from the obvious lighting fail, this angle wasn't working with my lens.

Vintage light bulbs blurred beyond recognition.


Don't be afraid to share your outtakes once in a while! It makes everyone feel better.


  1. This makes me feel better about my photography skills. I kept getting annoyed on vacation because pictures just weren't turning out how I thought they would. I forget that people usually end up with a lot more images than the ones that make the final cut.

  2. In the days of film photography, these pictures would've broken your heart! You'd have paid good money to have each developed AND you wouldn't have known that the picture had failed soon enough to get a better shot! Gotta love our digital cameras!

  3. Oh I feel SO much better! I do like that you were trying to get all kinds of different shots but that they just didn't work as planned so that helps me be a little more experimental and to think outside the box. The angle one would have looked cool if it wasn't a brick building since those lines of bricks competed with the arches and other lines also in the shot. My eye didn't know where to go but I do like how you were thinking!

  4. My human takes a lot of photos that fall under the boring category! Or, as she puts it, "What was I thinking?" photos.

  5. Actually I don't think the last one is that boring ;-)
    As someone who loves to take pictures of animals, I agree that sometimes it is hard to get close without scaring the poor creature away!

  6. The building in the second shot is really cool, but you're right about the angle...lol.
    And I kept waiting for the first photo to load...until I scrolled down and read your caption...lol!


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