Monday, September 9, 2013

photo share: in the cemetery

I'm still working through my summer photo editing. Surprise, right? This will be true for another month or so. I recently edited a set from Forest Home Cemetery and am sharing a few of my favorites here today. If you enjoy getting out for random excursions with your camera like I do, I highly recommend checking out the cemeteries in your area. I never thought that I'd enjoy visiting new cemeteries so much, but it's a fascinating experience.

What have you been photographing lately?


  1. I like the occasional cemetery stroll, too. There's actually a little one at the arboretum where some of the founding family is buried and it's so peaceful.

  2. Looks like a lovely cemetery. I love your photos of it.

  3. I walk through our little local cemetery whenever I need to clear my mind!
    I love the close ups of the statue and the abstract fence - not sure if it is a fence, but it looks amazing!

  4. Nice - I bought some cemetery angel photos from my friend Lisa Ceaser - I never see things the way a photographer does until they show me....

  5. Fantastic collection! I love you abstract shots. I also must mention, I love your new about me photo!
    Everyday Inspired

  6. Goodness, these are beautiful. thanks for sharing, I love every shot.

  7. I am always intrigued by the patina of time.

    These are marvelous captures.

  8. I haven't walked through a cemetery yet but I might have to. I've taken my camera out four times already on hikes and to the coast. Still haven't even photographed my girls yet.

  9. what lovely sculptures! I don't know if I would feel right photographing them. Guess I AM superstitious! {:-D

  10. Cemeteries can be such beautiful places. All the monuments and flowers can be so pretty.

  11. Cemeteries, especially old ones, have the most amazing statues and detailed monuments. You found some good ones.

  12. Beautiful photos!

    Sadly, I've just been photographing food and tutorials recently. No time to get out and about!

  13. The older cemeteries have such lovely sculptures and peaceful places to sit and think.

  14. Hauntingly beautiful!

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Dragon Statue


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